Termoskruus Isosteel 0,4L
Drinking Mug – for standard car holders
Double-walled stainless steel (foam insulated) or high quality vacuum technique for extra long thermal performance – this guarantees the required temperature will be remained, hot or cold. With screw cap and closable drink opening. Height approx. 158mm Ø 72mm Weight approx. 265mm
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Isosteel vaakum termoskruus 0.4L, purunematu roostevabast terasest. Termosel puuduvad purunevad klaasosad, viimistletud välispinnag, pikaajaline soojapidavus. Termos on ümara ja poleeritud sisepinna tõttu kergesti puhastatav. Termost võib kasutada nii soojade kui külmade jookide jaoks. Termos sobib jahimehele ja matkajale.
Additional information
Weight | 0.5 kg |
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