Gun Stock Wax 90ml


A high-quality formula combining protective and beautifying qualities of the finest carnauba, beeswax and silicone. Produces a lustrous water repellent film that will not rub off like oils. Offers maximum protection against finish cracking from weather and handling. Enhances and protects the beauty of woods, metals and leather.

Produces a lustrous water repellent film that will not rub off like oils.

Offers maximum protection against finish cracking from weather and handling.

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Gun Stock kabavaha on kõrgekvaliteediline kabavaha. Vahaga töödeldud kaba on vastupidavam ja ilusam. B&C Gun Stock Wax moodustab kaba pinnale vett hülgava kihi, mis ei haihtu pinnalt nagu õli.


Kasutusjuhend: Loksuta enne kasutamist.

1. Kanna õhuke kiht otse puu-, naha- või metallpinnale.

2. Hõõru kuni pind on kuiv ja läikiv.

3. Kui ühe korraga ei saavuta soovitud tulemust, korda protseduuri.


Hoiatus: TULEOHTLIK Ära kasuta kuumas või lahtise tule lähedal. Esmaabi: Kui ainet on alla neelatud, pöördu arsti poole.




Q: What is the best way to remove a fresh coat of Gun Stock Wax?
A: Lightly apply isopropal (rubbing) alcohol.


Q: Can Gun Stock Wax be applied to metal?
A: Yes, Gun Stock Wax is also great for brass receivers as well.


Q: What kind of a finish will Gun Stock Wax give me?
A: If buffed, Gun Stock Wax will not affect your glossy finish. If left on thick, it will flatten your finish.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg

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