Our elastic binocular harness will free up your hands for other important jobs, like shooting that trophy elk or balancing yourself in knee-deep snow. It comes equipped with a leather harness patch, handy quick-attach loops and metal split rings, plus a micro fiber lens cleaning cloth.
HIKMICRO Cheetah C32F-RNL digitaalse öövaatluse Clip-On, mida saab hõlpsasti muuta sihikuks, töötab hästi igas valgustingimuses. Selle täiustatud 2560 × 1440 HD-andur ja 1920 × 1080 OLED-ekraan suudavad tabada iga objekti suure detailsuse ja rikkaliku selgusega. Tänu spetsiaalsele optilisele komponendile suudab see udus tuvastada rohkem infrapunainfot.
The bore cleaning foam is a cleaning agent, which removes the carbon, copper and other residues effectively from any weapon barrel through a chemical reaction.